Live Life then Give Life, Please be an Organ Donor.

Friday, March 15, 2013


Hello World!

Ok so if you are part of the Cystic Fibrosis community you most definitely heard about the new policy being implemented by the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. The new policy states only 1 person with CF will be allowed to attend any indoor event. And the 6ft policy applies to all outdoor events.

Now I don't have a problem with the outdoor policy. But the indoor policy... bullshit! How can you ban people with the disease you are fighting to cure? How can you tell people what they can and can't do? How???

I get it, germ control. Well I'm not going to events to make out with other CFers. I don't got to events to cough or be coughed all over. I go to events to raise money for a cure. To show support to other CFers going through the same shit. Unless you have CF you don't know. We aren't allowed to have support groups, now you want to take away from fundraising events?


Its also discrimination. You can't exclude a group of people for something they can't change. Thats wrong. How dare you take away my right and choice to attend an event? CFers aren't stupid. We are probably more aware of germs, and whos sick around us than a "Normal" person. We have to deal with this everyday.

Masks, gloves, make EVERYONE wash their hands when they enter the event. There are other ways to go about infection control.

You know CFers can get sick from ANYBODY nit just other CFers. They can carry all the same bugs we do, their body just handles it better. So whats next, no events at all?

I am pissed. I don't like being isolated for something I was born with. Its my life. I should get to decide if I want to "risk it" at a CF event, not you. I will NEVER live in a bubble afraid of the world.

We are human beings. NOT a disease.

Breathe Easy

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