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Friday, December 31, 2010

A New Year

Hello World!

So it will soon be 2011! Yes, hopefully a good year because the last 2... not wonderful overall. Of course Every year has its ups and downs I just think I've had a few more downs than ups.

Jan: Rang in the New Year with Thibaut. A guy I had been dating that could of really gone somewhere... (Positive, believe it or not).
Feb: My 23rd Birthday and Tucker was my Birthday gift! (Definetly a Positive)
March: Hospitalized and placed on 24 hour oxygen, indefinetly (Negative)
April: The Guy from New Years, Thibaut, Moved back to Australia. Where he is from. Broken heart. (Negative)
May: Finally Graduated college!! (BIG Positive)
June: My Dad is diagnosed with Stage 4 terminal cancer. (GIGANTIC Negative)
July: Hospitalized again because of Cystic Fibrosis (Negative)
August: Uneventful. (Neutral)
September: Losing too much weight and sick again, Hospital for a Medi-port placement and Feeding tube placement. (Sucky, Negative)
October: Developed Pneumonia, actually at the end of Sept. Sent to the ICU and put on a ventilator. My family was told the prognosis didn't look good and to expect the worst. I have no memory of this month at all. (NEGATIVE!)
November: Thanks to my Family and Doctors for not giving up and doing everything possible, I come back to life! Have to relearn how to eat and walk. Regain bladder control and build some muscle. Get to go home mid-month (Positive!)
December: Started Pulmonary Rehab/Physical Therapy. Began my Transplant work up. Also Tucker's 1st Birthday! (Positive)

Jan: New Year's wasn't great but could of been worse. Still in recovery from Sept '09 (Neutral)
Feb: My 24th Birthday! Almost didn't get to see this. (Huge Postive!)
March: Uneventful (More Neutral)
April: Finish the Transplant work-up and begin the wait to hear if I qualify to be on the Transplant list. Stressful! (Positive for the work-up being done and Negative for the waiting)
May: Vacation! Much needed. Also heard on May 20th I was officially on the Transplant List (Positive!)
June: Hspitalized for a CF excerbation. (Negative)
July: 7/4 is the anniversary date of when the whole family was told of my Dads cancer. Kind of a bummer day. (Semi-negative)
August: Very Sick, Throwing up daily and losing weight at a rapid speed. (Negative!)
September: Hospitalized for the mystery infection. (Negative)
October: Started Pulmonary Rehab again (Positive although I dislike it)
Novemeber: Uneventful except for Thanksgiving. (Positive)
December: Hospitalized once again for a damn CF excerbation! (Negative!)

So that makes 10 Positives, 3 Neutrals, and 12 Negatives! I think My life needs some positive than that. so 2011, bring it on! I am ready to have 12 positives and 0 negatives for 2011!! So with 20 or so minutes to midnight, I'm going to gather my thoughts and plan my New Year's Wish! I'll chat with you guys next year, haha!

Breathe Easy!


  1. I am hoping you get the perfect new set of lungs in 2011 and your health improves by leaps and bounds!

  2. You are such a freaking trooper, girl... Such an inspiration!!

  3. @Stacey Thanks, I'm hoping for the same thing! I'm only 24, I've got tons more things I need to do in my life!

    @Ashley Thanks! I do my best!! Hopefully 2011 will bring new lungs and a new beginning!
